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Retrieving Offices on v2 API

Hello Personio-Team,

Getting Historical Data via API


Update absence period does not update the comment

Curl Example:

API returns "not-required" for medical certificate despite policy setting

We have configured Personio to require a medical certificate for sick leave exceeding 3 days. However, we have noticed that this restriction does not seem to be enforced via the API.

More Issues with API V2

Cost Center: Name (Displayname) is missing in APIv2

We are in the process of switching to APIv2. We have noticed that we don't receive the names of the Cost Centers via the APIv2.

Get Onboarding/Offboarding Tasks and send them to the responsible person

I want to retrieve the task list when a user is set to onboarding/offboarding and send them as notification via slack to the responsible person. Currently we only get these kind of information about the status of "my tasks" only via mail, but want to change this to slack. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to do this in the settings, so I want to try it via API.

Issues with API v2.0 – Missing Endpoints & Data Structure Concerns

Dear Personio Team,

File upload via api

We want to be able to load in the absence-periods documents and in the API we don't see this option. Is there any way?