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Getting Attendances when no attendances are tracked

For internal reporting system i just want to know how many hours a user has attendances. That works well if all attendances are filled in correctly. But how to get the correct values depending on weekly working time when some days are not filled. Best solution i found so far is to get the balance-changes from the start and and end of the week and calculate with weekly working hours.


Regenerate Recruiting API Key

Hello Personio Developers

Gateway Time-out

When making API calls the API becomes very slow and now I get a gateway timeout error.

API response upload file

Im trying to upload a file and the response i get is cause: {}


Webhooks or polling?

I want to be informed when certain attributes are set on an employee, e.g. Job Title or Department are changed, to update this information in our Google Workspace user management and to automatically add employees to the right user groups.


Return overtime_balance for public API

Hello Personio-Team,

Personio API: Document Managemet v2

Hey Personio Developers!


Possible to send end_time without start_time? /company/attendances

Hello, I recently had the following problem: I'm trying to insert my working hours using the API. If I only insert the start time and not the end time everything works fine. But when I want to add the end time without start time there is an error because start time is required. Then I tried to add the start time of the posted query before and I got the error: “Existing overlapping attendance periods”.
Is there a way to solve this problem?


Active employees

Hi, i'm using /company/employees to get employees, but I get all employees; even those who left the company. How to get only the current employees?