Personio HealthCheck endpoint
Hey guys,
Employee profile pictures: PATCH/POST and/or last modified in GET request
Hi guys, I'm looking to integrate our employee profile pictures across our systems here and running into a few limitations with the Personio API, so a few questions:
When do we get work schedules of an employee via API?
Hi together,
Retrieving Documents Added via Personio API
I've noticed the presence of a POST method in the API documentation for uploading documents, but I couldn't find a corresponding GET method for retrieving these uploaded documents. Could you offer guidance on alternative approaches or any available methods to retrieve documents added via the Personio API?"
Flexitime account: manual adjustments
Via the API, we receive the absences and weekly hours and thus also an overview of the flextime account. However, we cannot see manual corrections in this way.
Suddenly 404 error when trying to reach applications/documents endpoint
Hello there,
How many new attendances can POST /company/attendances accept?
The docs say "It is possible to add attendances for one or many employees at the same time." but I tried with 92 attendances in the array, and got a 400 Bad Request response.
Absences hour api changed without any notice
After August 26 the Absence hour API pagnation changed from OFFSET += Pagelimit to OFFEST += PageNumber. This has caused a huge problem for our instance and it has caused us to lose many absences
Reading Applications against a posted job
Hi, I want to ask one thing i have seen the option to post application to Personio. Is there any API to read job applications against a posted Job? Waiting for your response. Thank you
API interface to Power BI Dashboard currently not updating
Hello dear Devloper Team, the API interface to our Power BI Dashboard is currently not updating.