Good morning,
for one of our customers we are developing an integration with your system. I saw that you have APIs, we would need to have a demo or sandbox environment to test the integration with your APIs. Is it possible to have it? How can we do it?
Deputy in case of absence via API
What is X-Personio-Partner-ID for marketplace integration ?
What is X-Personio-Partner-ID for marketplace integration ?
Manage Organisational Units and positions via API
API character encoding list compensations UTF-8?
I'm trying to get our compensation data from Personio using Workato. It is a http request.
Possible to fetch all compensations, including historical
Currently https://api.personio.de/v2/compensations will only return compensations that can be attributed to the provided time period. Is it possible to fetch all recurring salaries for an employee, in just one request? To rephrase, I'm not looking for a list of amount/start date combinations for all salary changes. Basically the list you see when you click Manage on the Base Salary
Does "person.updated" event gives information about what has changed ?
For safety reasons, I can imagine it is safe to not communicate sensitive data with the event but such as a property value but does the event contains information about what property has changed ?
It would allow subscribing partners to either react to the change or ignore it without having to keep a local snapshot to understand what has changed.
Family leave requires a substitute id
Response Content: {"personio_trace_id":"xxxxxxxxxxx","timestamp":"2025-01-23T09:30:46Z","errors":[{"title":"Substitute required","detail":"A substitute is required for this absence type.","type":null,"_meta":{}}]}
Interface for applican form
We have integrated the job adverts via XML and are now looking for the interface for the applicant form in the documentation. Can anyone help? Unfortunately it is very urgent...
v1-API Returns variable data type for employee workschedule