Translations of Meta-data from XML endpoint
Hi there!
Does anybody know if it's possible to get the job meta data information like "seniority" from the XML endpoint translated?
How to get all work schedules of an employee?
Possible to only get the value from an attribute?
Hello Personio team,
Available list options for custom attributes
Hi there,
Rate Limiting on APIs
What is the rate limit on Auth API? And is the rate limit per Company?
Do you have any rate limiting on Employees API?
/company/absence-periods 500 Status
Ich mache ein Post request und bekomme 500 Status Code
{"success":false,"error":{"code":500,"message":"Something went wrong"}}
Absence Periods error 400
Hello, we as a Company have an API which allows us to POST Absence dates for our employees... Still with the correct Tokens i cant post our absences. The Error says "This API doesn´t support Daily Absences. Please see the documentation for the right API to use"
Employees: Update Data
is there any chance to get an endpoint to update a employee profile, including all tabs like salaries or custom fields?
Hello ,
Custom attributes not showing up