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List employments of a given Person sometimes gives 502 Bad Gateway



Help with Personio API: Retrieving custom_attributes for job postings

Hello everyone,


Revoke Access Token Error

What rights does my API client need to have in Personio so that I can revoke my access token?
In V2, I get a 401 error with the info ‘Authorisation Restrictions’ when revoking.
Thank you


How long does the 'List Employees' API take to reflect changes made on the dashboard?

I terminated an employee and set their termination date to the previous day, making this change at 12:30 PM. Since then, I’ve been using the updated_since filter to fetch the updated employee list every 15 minutes. However, even though I terminated the employee at 12:30 PM, the API still returns this employee as updated at 1:15 PM. This doesn't seem correct because no further changes were made after 12:30 PM, so there shouldn’t be any new updates for this employee.





Webhooks create = update and effective change date?

Hi there,


Complaint of no category id, but I am providing it

I am using the v1/comany/documents API to upload documents. When I try I get the error message "Failed request to Personio - Bitte geben Sie category id ein, um fortzufahren." I am supplying a category id retrieved from the v1/company/document-categories. I am sending the request as multipart/form-data with the correct header.


Access Personio by a perl script ?

Is there a way to access employee data by a script witten in perl?


Bug after logging

Hello i just got this issue in my console, can you please check it?


V2 API Return all Persons and Employments

For our User Provisioning I need to get all persons - no problem with the next links.
Then i also need a list of all offices, sub_companys, departments and teams - which is currently not available i think.
For all the persons i need to get all the employments. My wish would be to have a "get-all employements" call without the personid. Then i don't have to do one API call per person for the employments.