Personio API
Hey there,
how to upload a document via api to an employee
List compensations: Why is proration excluded?
I am trying to export my companys salarys through the list compensations API call. According to the description proration is excluded. Even employees who are currently on leave are included with their salary.
How to create a webhook so that every time a candidate applies for a job in the `recruitment` product an external system can be triggered to enrich candidate data?
We'd like to know how to set up a new webhook so that in the event of a candidate applying to any vacancy owned by ${company} our infrastructure is pinged with the candidate details and we can perform data enrichment by either uploading documents to the candidates application or by adding custom tags or the personio equivalent.
Compensations API v2: Retrieve Goal Bonus
Using the new compensations API, I am unable to retrieve a newly created goal bonus (created last week).
Custom attribute error, but attribute exists
https://api.personio.de/v2/persons and global_id in custom_attributes
When I'm using the v2 of the persons endpoint, the example says that in the field global_id
the name will be shown. Like:
Relation between Person and Employment
I am retriving the perons by using API - https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees
. Each entry of the response list contains employments: [{ id: string }]\
but, employment id seems like unique per person and I found only one employment id per person. Is the relation between Person and Employee one to one and unique? Can I get more information on this relation?
How to get the value of person attribute - hire_date?
I am trying to import the person and it's employment data from Personio. Hire date is one of the reset attributes and also selected for Readable employee attributes
. I set the value for the person with id - 23808419 but, still not received within person's data from API - https://api.personio.de/v2/persons.
Batch requests on employments
Hi Team,