time-offs: update_since instead of update_from
Please update your documentation.
For time-offs
endpoint the key update_from
was changed to update_since
Flexitime account: manual adjustments
Via the API, we receive the absences and weekly hours and thus also an overview of the flextime account. However, we cannot see manual corrections in this way.
Reading Applications against a posted job
Hi, I want to ask one thing i have seen the option to post application to Personio. Is there any API to read job applications against a posted Job? Waiting for your response. Thank you
Overtime and Remaining Vacation summarized
Endpoint /company/employees returns inconsistent value for property vacation_day_balance
By the end of August we got notified about changes that affects the determination of the vacation entitlement. In the Personio web application the remaining vacation day balance is displayed correctly in the "Attendances" tab in the user profile. Before the changes were rolled out, the displayed value was consistent with the value of the property vacation_day_balance obtained from the response of the /company/employees endpoint. Now, the displayed value and the value of the property vacation_day_balance differ from each other. We rely on this property since we are providing this value in an internal application that fetches this property from the API.
Empty work_schedule is [], but is type object
In case no work_schedule is set, the API returns:
Issue with uploading documents via API (PowerAutomate)
Hi there,
Personio Workschedule Changes - Employee Schedule should be ARRAY
Hi there, the Employee work_schedule object should be an array.