
Employee API: added status field

Added the feature to set/update Employee's Status.

We also added the feature to set/update Employee Status using the Public API on the POST and PATCH endpoints.

Include the status in the request body with the value that you wish to set, one of: "active", "onboarding", "leave", "inactive".


  • If the status field is not in the request body, the value will not be affected.
  • If the status to be assigned is not recognized, an error response with status 422 will be returned.
  • In the POST method (creation of an Employee), status is usually determined based on the hire_date. If you don't supply status, it stays like that. If you supply status, it will override the value determined based on the hire_date.
  • In the PATCH method (update of an Employee), hire_date will not cause automatic update of the status field. This is the old behavior and it remains unchanged.

For more details, check the documentation on how to create or update an employee using the Public API.