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individual API - for social media campaign

We want to start a social media campaign with a new agency. We need to start a connection so that the leads from the social media campaign can go directly into Personio.

Unfortunately, there is not yet a standardized API between the agency and personio in the Marketplace.

We would follow the path below - are we on the right track?

Go to: Settings in Personio --> Integrations --> API --> Create individual integration.


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Is this the right setting? We only want a kind of "one-way street" - i.e. that the leads come from the agency to us in Personio.
We don't want to give the agency access to the system, applications or employee data.

Our questions:

  • Is this the right way to go?
  • What exactly is behind "webhooks"? Unfortunately, the Personio article didn't help us.
  • Is it common for the agency to need the company ID in addition to the token of the individual API?

Thank you and best regards
