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Confusing Reference - Page-Number or offset?

Hello Personio-Team,

currently i am writing java-code to read attendances and time-offs from your v1-api and write them to a local database.

Now there is some confusion here, as in the "attendances" - call, the api-reference says that "offset" means the number of records to skip from the beginning (as the name suggests) thus i need to compare it to the total_elements count and incement it in 200 steps to get all available attendances in a row.

But... in the /time-offs api-reference, there is said that "offset" would refer to the page number instead...?

This would mean sincement in +1 - stepas and compare to "total pages" - and it seomhow makes the "current_page" - field in the response redundant... so is this an error in the documentation or do this two calls really paginate differently?

Could you please clarify this to avoid misunderstandings?