Cost Center: Name (Displayname) is missing in APIv2
15 days ago by Sven - IPG
We are in the process of switching to APIv2. We have noticed that we don't receive the names of the Cost Centers via the APIv2.
APIv1 Response (https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees/id)
"cost_centers": {
"label": "Cost center",
"value": [
"type": "CostCenter",
"attributes": {
"id": 1286432,
"name": "9999CB00",
"percentage": 100
APIv2 Response (https://api.personio.de/v2/persons/id/employments/guid)
"cost_centers": [
"id": "1286432",
"weight": 100
Can you please return the name in APIv2 as well?