GET List Allowed Attributes - List Options values
As more of our customers and partners adopt Personio's APIs, one of the consistent feedback points that we have heard is around the unavailability of the available options of a 'List' and/or a 'Tags' variable via the Public API. We have addressed this issue with this enhancement release on the GET List Allowed Attributes endpoint i.e.( whereby the available options for a 'List' and/or a 'Tags' variable are now present in a new 'options' object in the payload.
Person & Employment v2 APIs - GA Announcement
Personio is proud to announce the General Availability of our Person & Employment v2 APIs ( and for use by all our customers and partners
GET Org Unit API - GA
Personio has released a GET Org Units endpoint that enables users to retrieve details about their organizational structure programmatically via the Public API ( This endpoint also allows for optional retrieval of a particular Org Unit's parent chain via a query parameter
GET Legal Entity APIs - GA
Personio is releasing two new endpoints for programmatic retrieval of Legal Entity information from Personio i.e. List Legal Entities and Get Legal Entity information ( The List endpoint can be filtered by country as well as by a specific Legal Entity ID and uses cursor-paged pagination
Webhooks - GET Delivery Activity endpoint
In order to provide our customers with full visibility and transparency on the status of their webhook deliveries, Personio is releasing a GET Delivery Activity endpoint ( which accepts a webhook ID as the input and allows for tracking webhook delivery attempts upto 30 days in the past, from the current date. Additionally, date and status query parameters allow for fine-grained troubleshooting and isolation of specific webhook deliveries.
Authentication v2 - Token Revocation Endpoint
In order to provide our API users with OAuth2.0 compliant authentication standards, we are introducing a "Token Revocation" endpoint ( that accepts a bearer token as the input parameter and invalidates it.
GET Attendances v1 - Query timeframe update
In the interests of serving all our customers with a consistent and performant API, we will be introducing a query timeframe on the v1 GET attendances endpoint which would range from '1970-01-01' to 'D' + 10 years, where 'D' is the current date. This change will come into effect incrementally from 29 July 2024 to August 5, 2024 and any requests that exceed the query timeframes mentioned above will not be honoured after August 5, 2024
Compensations API - POST Compensations
In order to provide greater control and flexibility to our customers and partners, we have enhanced the heretofore limitations on the POST Compensations API endpoint ( to allow API credentials with the appropriate scope to create compensation values. The API documentation has also been updated to reflect the removal of restrictions
IP address based rate limiting - v1 endpoints
In order to provide our customers and partners with a reliable and performant API, we have instituted a rate limit of 2000 requests per min, based on the IP address of the requester. We have also updated our API TOS here: in the interests of complete transparency
Webhooks - Extended retry policy
As of 24 June, 2024 Personio Webhooks will have an extended retry policy for all current and future webhooks. The number of retries has been increased from 2 to 6 and the time window of retries is extended from 120 seconds to 6 days. More info here, in the 'Retries' section: