v1 GET Absence Periods - Error Response change to 404 for invalid Absence Type ID
As of October 9, 2024 Personio will update the error response of the v1 GET Absence Periods endpoint (https://api.personio.de/v1/company/absence-periods) to return a 404 error response when an invalid Absence Type ID is provided in the query parameter of a request. Currently, when an invalid Absence Type ID is provided in the query parameter, a 500 error response is provided.
Absence Webhooks - Status Updated
Personio has added a new Absence Webhook to its catalog of webhook offerings i.e. Absence Status Updated (documentation here: https://developer.personio.de/v2.0/reference/webhooks#absence-periodupdatedstatus) which is triggered when the status of an Absence period is changed, for eg. from "Pending" to "Approved".
POST Create Compensation: Fixed response attribute set
The POST Create Compensation endpoint has been erroneously returning additional attributes in the 'type' object. These attributes will be removed from the response on 18 November, 2024 and are as follows:
Attendance and Absence Webhooks - GA
Personio is proud to announce the GA launch of webhooks for Creation/Updation/Deletion (C/U/D) events for Absences and Attendances, to all our customers and partners. The specific event descriptions for these events are hosted here ; Please do note that the IDs returned in these webhooks are ONLY compatible with the v2 endpoints for Absences and Attendances , which are currently in Open Alpha.
Attendances and Absences v2 APIs - Open Alpha
Personio is proud to announce the launch of our Attendance v2 and Absence v2 APIs into Open Alpha. They are ready for use by all of Personio's customers and partners; Since these APIs are in Alpha, we expect further evolutionary changes before they are promoted to General Availability.
Authentication: Re-authentication necessary when updating client credential scopes
Currently, when existing API credentials are updated by adding/removing endpoint scopes, the existing tokens are not invalidated. Starting September 2, once scopes are added or removed, the existing authenticated API credentials will be invalidated, requiring clients to re-authenticate.
v2 Persons GET and POST - Support for 'full_time_weekly_working_hours' and 'terminated_at'
The v2 Persons GET, POST and PATCH Persons endpoint now allows for the retrieval, creation and updation, respectively, of values for the attribute 'full_time_weekly_working_hours' and therefore enables programmatic control over the maximum working hours for one or more employees in an organization.
Webhooks - Effective Date Notification Webhooks - 'employment.started' and 'employment.terminated'
Personio has added two new webhooks to its roster i.e. 'employment.started' and 'employment.terminated' (https://developer.personio.de/v2.0/reference/webhooks); These webhooks are triggered for a specific set of employees on the date of occurence of the employment start and/or the employment termination events. For more details, please refer to the link above
GET Compensations API - Addition of 'weekly_working_hours' and 'full_time_weekly_working_hours'
In keeping with Personio's continuous improvement model to our Public APIs, we have added two attributes to our GET Compensations API viz., 'weekly_working_hours' and 'full_time_weekly_working_hours'. The addition of those two attributes enable customers and partners to derive effective salaries for employees, based on the actual hours worked and hence improves the flexibility and usability of the Compensations API