Writing Attendances: Error message returns id:None instead of real attendance id
over 3 years ago by Marc
I get the same error message when I try to overwrite an existing attendance or if there is some overlap. The problem is, I would like to know the attendance id, but the API does return id: None. I would like to avoid any workarounds, so is there any solution?
{'success': False, 'error': {'code': 400, 'message': 'Error when trying to insert Attendances periods rows', 'detailed_message': [{'success': False, 'error_msg': 'Existing overlapping attendances periods', 'id': None, 'employee': 3152768, 'date': '2021-05-10', 'start_time': '09:00', 'end_time': '18:00', 'break': 0, 'comment': ''}]}}