Important Update – Migration to Personio’s .com Domain
What’s Changing?
Personio is migrating its primary web domains from .de to .com to support global expansion.
Absence Period Creation Update
As of 24th January 2025, a critical update has been made to the absence period creation process in the API to address an issue with single-day requests involving half-day settings. This update ensures that invalid absence period requests are properly handled to prevent unintended balance accounting issues.
Absences and Attendances v2 APIs - Promotion to General Availability (GA)
Following up on a successful Open Alpha, Personio is proud to announce that the Absences and Attendances v2 APIs are officially in General Availability for scaled use by all customers and partners. Changes, breaking or otherwise, to these endpoints will be communicated well in advance and we encourage our customers and partners to plan for migrating from the v1 to v2 Absences and Attendance APIs in 2025.
Webhooks - Events API
Personio is proud to announce the launch of the Webhooks Events API (, which enables our customers to obtain a list of all events associated with a specific Webhook config. to upto 30 days in the past. Users are also able to specify a query timeframe by using the 'occured_at' fields as well as an event name using the 'event_name' field.
Time-off/Absence Type Consolidation and Improvements - v1 and v2 API
Personio will be updating a set of absence categories to better align with market needs and enhance flexibility of absence types for all customers. The summary of the changes are present below:
Pagination enforcement - v1 Employees : Change of date
Based on the feedback received from customers and partners regarding the date of pagination enforcement on the v1 Employees API and a desire for our API users to have as smooth a transition as possible, the date of pagination enforcement will be moved from December 7, 2024 to January 31, 2025. We thank all of our users for their continuous feedback and support and we will continue to ensure that your feedback is listened to and actioned upon.
v1 Absence and Attendances endpoints -Addition of 'id_v2'
For the following v1 endpoints - GET v1/company/attendances, POST v1/company/attendances, GET v1/company/time-offs, POST v1/company/time-offs and GET v1/company/time-offs/{id} and GET v1/company/time-off-types there will be an additional field in the payload named 'id_v2'.
Webhooks - Documents Created/Updated/Signed/Deleted
Personio is proud to announce the launch of webhooks for document created, updated, signed and deleted events. Specific event descriptions are found here. Please do note that these webhooks are only triggered for employee-owned documents.
Pagination enforcement - v1 Employees - Partner Exclusion
After receiving feedback from our partners on the pagination enforcement post, we have decided to exclude all partner accounts from the pagination enforcement scheduled for December 7.
Attributes deprecated - v1 GET Absence Types
As of September 16, 2024 the following attributes were deprecated from the response of the GET Absence Types endpoint (