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Multiple Valid Bearer Tokens

Hi there, we are currently in the planning stage of using the Personio API for internal reporting. Unfortunately, I am tasked with planning our workflows, but cannot currently actively test against the API, because some data security topics need resolving first. That's why I'm asking here.

We already know that the will need to handle internal requests that will map to 3 or 4 requests against your API.

We read that your recommended auth process is to request a single valid bearer token from the auth endpoint and then cycle through these, one response after another. In that case, we would have to execute one request after another synchronously, until we have gathered all the required data, since we will never have more than one valid token available to us.

Is it instead possible, to have multiple valid Bearer tokens available at the same time? So, lets say, get 4 valid tokens via /auth and then use all 4 simultaneously to avoid the waterfall? We would then take all the newly generated tokens from all the responses and use these for whenever the next batch request happens.

Is the simultaneous process that I described above possible? Thanks in advance!