Access jobs/open positions xml CORS
about 1 year ago by Oliver Harley
I am trying to integrate on the company's website the open jobs listings. I wanted to have more control over the stylisation and fetch the job listings on the client side.
I have read through: https://developer.personio.de/docs/integration-of-open-positions and tried to modify the PHP sample into JS (see below). However I run into CORS issues.
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://personio.de/. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 308.
Is what I am trying to achieve possible, or must I gather the details server-side?
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
const hostname = 'myaccountshostname';
// const lang = getLang(); // Replace this with your language retrieval logic
const lang = 'en'
const positionsURL = `https://${hostname}.jobs.personio.de/xml?language=${lang}`;
// const options = {method: 'GET', headers: {accept: 'application/xml'}};
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xmlData = parser.parseFromString(data, 'text/xml');
const positions = xmlData.getElementsByTagName('position');
const jobs_loading_el = getElementById("jobs_loading_el");
const categories = [];
for (const position of positions) {
const category = position.querySelector('recruitingCategory').textContent;
if (category && !categories.includes(category)) {
const translations = {
"full-time": {
"de": "Vollzeit",
"en": "Full-time"
"part-time": {
"de": "Teilzeit",
"en": "Part-time"
"permanent": {
"de": "Festanstellung",
"en": "Permanent Employment"
"intern": {
"de": "Praktikum",
"en": "Internship"
"trainee": {
"de": "Trainee Stelle",
"en": "Trainee Position"
"freelance": {
"de": "Freelance Position",
"en": "Freelance Position"
const channel = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search).get('channel');
const job_embed_container = document.getElementById('jobs_embed_block')
// Print job postings
// for (const category of categorise) {
// const job_embed_element = document.getElementById('jobs_embed_block')
// }
for (const position of positions) {
const positionName = position.querySelector('name').textContent;
const employmentType = position.querySelector('employmentType').textContent;
const schedule = position.querySelector('schedule').textContent;
const detailLink = `https://${hostname}.jobs.personio.de/job/${position.getAttribute('id')}`;
let detailLinkWithChannel = detailLink;
if (channel) {
detailLinkWithChannel += `?_pc=${channel}`;
const jobDetailsHTML =
`<div class="job-item">
<a href="${detailLinkWithChannel}" target="_blank" alt="Job Details">
<h3 class="job-title">${positionName}</h2>
<ul class="job-items">
<li class="job-dept"><span>Team:</span></li>
<li class="job-location"><span>Location</span></li>
<li class="job-date"><span>Creation date:</span></li>
<p class="job-info"><span class="job-type">${translations[employmentType][lang]}</span>, ${translations[schedule][lang]}</p>
<li class="job-code"><span>Code:</span></li>
// Insert job details HTML into your desired element
// For example:
job_block = document.getElementById('jobs_embed_block').innetHTML()
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching job positions:', error);