V2 API Return all Persons and Employments
For our User Provisioning I need to get all persons - no problem with the next links.
Then i also need a list of all offices, sub_companys, departments and teams - which is currently not available i think.
For all the persons i need to get all the employments. My wish would be to have a "get-all employements" call without the personid. Then i don't have to do one API call per person for the employments.
So for me to switch to the V2 API i would need either a list API call for the offices, companies, departments, teams and employements - or an option in the get-all-persons API call to also resolve the ID's in the employments, departments, ...
For the employment API call as it is curerntly my problem is with the Rate Limiting since I would need to execute one API Call per person and then i might run into timeouts on our end (helloid.com)
Is there a roadmap for the API V2 somewhere? And will there be API calls to get all the person data from all persons with as few calls as possible and within max. 30 Minutes including breaks for the rate limiting?