client id and client secrete does not work for two endpints : attendances and time-offs
Hi team, I am using the same client id and client secrete to get the personio data with endpoint employees, attendances and time-offs,
API Token
I have an api token but unfortunayely it stopped working with this error
Is there a way to upload a document as a template so we can use @@Employee@@ tag to request a signature?
Currently I have developed a Nodejs application that uses data from a DB to create a PDF that later gets uploaded to Personio using the API. I'd like to add a signature when the document is signed using the @@Employee@@ tag but it is only usable manually creating a new document as an existing template which has to be a word document.
PATCH team attribute
How can I delete many Attendances at the same time?
We made integrations that call the Personio API. Our integrations would be a lot more reliable if we could delete an array of Attendances with one request, instead of having to delete thousands one-by-one using DELETE /company/attendances/{id}. Please change id to an array and allow us to do this.
"System ()" in attendance comment
Employee API: Paginate
Hello there,
problems with the API
There are currently problems with the API. My queries are not getting response data.
Kind regards, Bert
Recruitment API - Retrieve applicants