Did you Change the company/documents endpoint?
Did you make changes to the https://api.personio.de/v1/company/documents endpoint in the last few days?
An upload that worked a week ago does not work anymore and now I get the error: 422 (Unprocessable Entity)
I have not changed anything on my side and the request that worked a week ago does not work anymore.
Authorization is not provided - GET Employee Data
I have created a Power Automate flow that uses a POST request with my API client-ID and secret to create a token. This is successful. (NB I have edited the token below)
POST to /company/employees using example data returns an error
Using the example data from the API reference, creating an employee returns an error:
Error "personio.core.api.exceptions.api.not.found.http.exception" when creating application
Pagination changed?
Hi, did you just change the pagination method of the /company/time-offs endpoint? It used to be same is other endpoints, for example /company/employees. Why is this one different and why was there no change log entry about it?
API - historical weekly working hours and work schedule
Hi Personio,
How can i submit Files with special characters?
Some payroll documents not included in batch export
20 payroll documents were not included in my last batch export a week ago, which I only noticed now (I re-downloaded the package, just in case). All had the same naming pattern, and other documents from that time period that did not have that naming pattern were exported.
How to include "Additional Compensation" in custom report?
I can include "fixed salary (100%) in custom report, but the salary is often more complicated than that, so we define "Additional Compensation" (payroll custom fields) for various employees. I didn't find a way to include those attributes in custom report, which means there is no way for me to export them (with time axis). Am I doing something wrong, or is it a bug?
Please add the Representative to Personio API for Absences
We also need this feature, are there any news about it?