Allow multiple applications with same email
Hi all,
API "dev mode" / Use a token more than once?
Is there any chance to activate a "dev mode" or to use a token more than once or work with dummy data to get the data model right for the application?
Accessing recruitment funnel data
Is there any timeline for the api access of the recruitment funnel data?
Attendance API
kategorisierte Ordner
Hallo wir haben für unsere verschiedenen Stellen normalerweise kategorisierte Ordner und diese fehlen seit 2-3 tagen. Können Sie mir eventuell sagen wieso bzw. wie ich diese zurück bekomme?
Provided authorization is not valid when calling a GET request via Postman
I am trying to call employees data via API call with Postman, but I get a "Provided authorization is not valid" message.
The parameters I provided according to the documentation are:
Zap with Typeform
Hi there,
Excel Upload via /company/documents does not work
Hi, when we upload Excel Documents with the provided C# sample code, it does not arrive correctly in Personio. We get a blank document symbol there, and when we open the document it does not display the excel content as it does when we upload it manually. It displays MIME encoded stuff like
401 Unauthorized in /v1/recruiting/applications
Hi there,
absence-period api is not filtering like time-offs api (Updated from and updated to)
Hi I've noticed that the absence api is not filtering the response based on the filters Updated to and updated from just like in the other api (time-offs). I've been working with these 2 filters in time-offs api for example, same dates in both fields and it returns that particular date's updated absences. I do the same with absence-period api and it returns all the data without any filtering