Auto fill attendance and vacation overbooking a single day.
When I Copy my hours for the whole month and then I decide that I need a vacation day and add this in the absence tab. This results in a day that will be booked with my working hours AND vacation at the same time.
This should be automated or at least the approving person should get a red flag or similar.
Is it possible to post hourly absences via API?
Is there a way to get employees that fulfill a specific criteria?
Hi, I want to create a sync between Salesforce and Personio. Is it possible to only get employees that meet a certain criteria like salesforceId= null or something?
"The token has been blacklisted" after every request
Please add the Representative to Personio API for Absences
Dynamic bearer access to 2 endpoints
I'm trying to pull data from the attendance and the absence endpoints, but the bearer generated by POST only allows one-time use. After getting the attendance data, I'm not able to get the absence data in the second query. Is there any solution to this? or I'd have to activate another set of client ID and secret for absence endpoint?
iframe integration on a website page don't scroll to the top of the iframe when you click on a job at the end of the frame
The problem occurs when you are putting the iframe further down on a page like we did for our client:
Open jobs integrated into own career page - but no content when clicking on a position
Hi there!
I have implemented the open positions into our career page (wordpress) via the XML feed.
When I now click on a single position, there's no content on the page which opens next.
The positions are filled with content, however, both within Personio and the XML feed.
API request capability
Good morning,
BadRequest when trying to post attendance record
Hello, I am trying to post multiple attendance records for an employee using the personio api. But I always get a BadRequest error in the response. I tried the exact same post body example with attendances in my code but still all I get in the response is "please enter attendances".