Attendances - updated_at
Error connecting to the API
Hi, While trying to connect to the absence API from the C#.Net code, it works fine. But when i publish the site on IIS, I am getting an error: "THe SSL connection could not be established, see Inner exception"
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Carry Over paid vacations
Is there an endpoint to get the carry over paid vacations from previous year?
I can get the entitlement, the balance and the used/planned days bu can´t find the carryover to have accurate data
Personal API access for employees
As an employee, I'd like to access my very own data through personal credentials. As of now, one is only able to get company wide access to all employees. Please offer me my own API credentials, as a user. This way I'd be able to interact with personio with the tools I get used to, e.g. do all kind of repetitive tasks from command line without ever to open the web app. It would be much more pleasant to use for me! Currently, I'm using a custom script which uses puppeteer and (headless) chrome but it is quite ugly to do so.
Endpoint for approval of absence
Change the API results language
Currently I'm getting all attributes labels in EN, even if DE is set up for the account.
How can I change the language, preferrably per request?
Hi Personio,
Recruting API Auth
Hello dear Personio people,
Change font color in online form with CSS
Not getting Absences from API