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Attendancies on projects?

Hello there, I was wondering if there's a way to get the attendances off the API based on projects. I'm trying to implement this onto an app I am building, but the pagination and the sheer amount of attendancies created by just clocking in are making my app considerably slower, so I figured that maybe it would be a good idea to filter out attendancies based on ongoin projects. <br /> Happy to hearing from you soon.

How to get hire_date and termination_date

Hey everyone, I need to get some informations from the API for our internal project. my co-worker now said, that he needed hire_date and termination_date to calculate a fluctuation rate. in another thread i saw someone posting the request object from the endpoint /employees from a year ago and that had both sections in it. when I call the /employees endpoint i get everything but the hire and termination date. how do i get it? am i missing something? is there something that needs to be done in personio itself before i get these? any help is very much appreaciated. thanks! Greetings Finn

Duplicate Absences in Outlook

Good Morning, I am using the Personio API to import absences into Personio. However, I have encountered an issue: there doesn't seem to be an API endpoint for updating an absence, possibly due to the approval workflow. As a workaround, I am deleting and re-inserting the updated absence. Additionally, we have activated the Outlook synchronization feature to display absences in Outlook. This has led to another issue: each cycle of deleting and re-inserting an absence results in the absence being duplicated in Outlook. I have two questions: 1. Is there indeed no way to update an absence via the API? If there is, how can I do it correctly? 2. Why are absences being duplicated in Outlook? I believe I might be missing something. Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks and kind regards, Alex

Is it possible to pre-filter a location inside the jobs iframe?

Is it possible to pre-filter a location inside the jobs iframe code?

problems with recruting api /johnbaker.personio.de

Hello I received the api key from my personio login. There seems to be an issue: If I try it on your dev-page it doesn't work <https://developer.personio.de/reference/post_v1-recruiting-applications> It' says; Sorry you couldn't be authentificated.... If I deliberatly send a wrong api-key I get a formatted error message. But If I try it via postman I get a blank response and it's marked as 401. Thanks for letting me know if I'm doing something wrong, kind regards Robert

Recruitment API - Retrieve applicants

We want to retrieve the list of applicants. Is there any update on this feature? Any plans and estimations to add this endpoint?

Time-Off notifications via webhook?

Hello! The webhook feature is definitely a game-changing addition. Are there any plans to include Time-Off event notifications via webhook? I would appreciate to know if you are considering this on your roadmap. Thank you so much!

Add salary start date

It would be awesome if you could add salary start dates to the response when fetching employees. Ideally it would be nice to get all historical salaries as well, but just the current salary's start date would help a lot. Cheers / Fredrik

Time off types with unit "hour" are no longer returned from /v1/company/time-off-types

Hi! I was so certain that /v1/company/time-off-types used to return all absence types, both with unit "day" and "hour". But since yesterday or so I only get the "day" unit time off types. According to the docs it should return both. I created these hour-types myself so I was thinking maybe it was a permissions issue, but I can't find any obvious permissions setting for this on the settings page Cheers / Fredrik

Custom Reports: Provided authorization is not valid

Hello, I'm trying to get information from Custom_Report via your API Reference page. Usually, in every other Personal Data tab, there's a field for entering Bearer token, and after entering the token, the requests are executed correctly. However, I encountered a problem in Custom reports: there's no entry field there (only X-Partner and X-App), and when I tried to run the script, I got error 401 – ‘Provided authorisation is not valid’. I added the my token to the script myself, but still get the same error. Could you please tell me how to fix this? Is it possible to get Custom Reports in the current state of the API?