Relation between Person and Employment
I am retriving the perons by using API - https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees
. Each entry of the response list contains employments: [{ id: string }]\
but, employment id seems like unique per person and I found only one employment id per person. Is the relation between Person and Employee one to one and unique? Can I get more information on this relation?
How to get the value of person attribute - hire_date?
I am trying to import the person and it's employment data from Personio. Hire date is one of the reset attributes and also selected for Readable employee attributes
. I set the value for the person with id - 23808419 but, still not received within person's data from API - https://api.personio.de/v2/persons.
Batch requests on employments
Hi Team,
Custom Attribute API
I have created a new custom field, I'm trying to get through the API /company/employees/attributes or company/employees/custom-attributes, both endpoints require Partner ID & APP-ID with token.
List compensation endpoint
Hi team,
Open position Webhook
Hey everyone,
Employee ID: Documentation available / several questions
links.next can only retrieve one next cursor parameter
/v2/attendance token scope invalid
/v1/company/employees/attributes returning 403