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GET v1/company/time-offs yields duplicate entry after paging to 8th page

Problem - `GET v1/company/time-offs` yields a duplicate entry after paging to the 8th page. API: <https://developer.personio.de/reference/get_company-time-offs> Details - The duplicate entry only appears when retrieving page 8 - so it must be a paging error inside of Personio: <https://api.personio.de/v1/company/time-offs?limit=200&offset=8> - It would only be a client-side error if the duplicate entry would appear in the second page, because then we would be paging wrongly and would see repeating IDs in every page. - We only started to see the duplicate key errors a few weeks ago (in February/March 2024). Example - Absence record ID `149239744` is returned as last entry on page 7 and as first entry on page 8. - It is the same record with the same ID and identical values. - We are not using the updated_from and updated_to parameters. Notes - We had a similar case before, because the parameter offset is not actually starting with value 0 but 1 (and 0 is silently interpreted as 1). When paging from 0 to 1, we were receiving the same entries again. But we addressed this in our client already.

How can I construct the HTTP call to upload DocX or PDF documents?

Hi, I'm struggling to get the correct HTTP call. When I follow the API documentation the files are being uploaded as txt files instead of the correct file extension (DocX or PDF). I've read in another thread that base64 encoded wasn't supported, but the documentation still states that the stream is base64 encoded. But as this isn't working what kind of stream should I offer in the HTTP call to have a DocX or PDF correctly being uploaded?

updated_at property is falsly update for all abscense after changing time-model for employee

Hello! we have a custom integration which fetches the abscenses for all of our employes based on when the abscence was last updated. Today we changed the time-model for one of our employees and all abscences wer marked as "changed" with the timestamp of the time-model change. This has lead to multiple "false" updated abscenses. Is this behavior normal? I guess "updated_at" should not have changed. Thanks! Benjamin

Retrieve working hours for an employee

Hello, how do you retrieve the working hours for a specific employee, e.g. 8am to 5pm using the API? An alternative would be two requests: 1) the set times for a working hour model and then 2) the assigned model of an employee. Kind regards, Thomas

Issue Uploading documents via API

Hello Guys, i’m running into an issue while uploading a document via API (/company/documents) HTTP request. Request-Header and -Body looking good in my opinion. Just compared that with an example request at the developer hub. But my response ended every time in: {"success":false,"error":{"message":"Bitte geben Sie category id ein, um fortzufahren. (and 3 more errors)","code":0,"error_data":{"category_id":["Bitte geben Sie category id ein, um fortzufahren."],"title":["Bitte geben Sie title ein, um fortzufahren."],"employee_id":["Bitte geben Sie employee id ein, um fortzufahren."],"file":["Bitte geben Sie file ein, um fortzufahren."]}}} Can you have a look what’s wrong? Personio-Partner-ID: PRECHTLGMBH X-Personio-App-ID: PEPINTERNET Thanks a lot. Best regards Tony

Issue with Fetching More Than 200 Results from the Time-Offs API Endpoint

I'm encountering a problem with the /company/time-offs API endpoint. While I can paginate through the /company/attendances endpoint successfully and retrieve all records by increasing the offset, the same approach for the /company/time-offs endpoint only yields the first 200 results. Subsequent requests with an increased offset return no additional data. Could you please tell me if there is a proper pagination for the time-offs endpoint or confirm if there's a limit on the number of records that can be fetched? Thank you!

Filter job ads in advance

Hi, there are two different divisions in our company and each division has its own website. We would now like to display the job advertisements on the respective page filtered according to the corresponding division. How can we do this with Personio?

Employee endpoint paging with updated_since and attributes - bug?

Hi, I'm using the updated_since and attributes\[] query parameters to get employees. Per documentation: "NOTE: when using the updated_since filter, the email, limit, and offset parameters are ignored." I do not find this to be the case: When I pass limit and offset, they are not ignored. Paging works as expected. Also the maximum number of results is 200 (default limit) if no limit is set. For testing I'm using a small limit and once the number of total elements changed (decreased!) between the three different pages! (same parameter in updated_since) 2024-02-20 10:22:14,046 - - DEBUG - Starting to get all employees updated since 2024-02-18T10:22:13 with limit 10 2024-02-20 10:22:54,636 - - DEBUG - Processed page 1/3, total elements: 30 2024-02-20 10:23:14,913 - - DEBUG - Processed page 2/3, total elements: 28 2024-02-20 10:23:26,185 - - DEBUG - Processed page 3/3, total elements: 27 2024-02-20 10:23:55,326 - - INFO - Received 27 relevant employees from a total of 27 returned updated since 2024-02-18T10:22:13. This effect occurred for a time, now the results seem stable. Initial number of total elements I got was 50 at about 10.16:03. Now the number of total elements seems stable at 22. As I pass the exact date and time as since the number should only go up, never down. Can you please check? Thanks and regards, Simone

Filter linking via iFrame integration

Hi, I have integrated personio via iframe integration in a website and job filters are included. Is there a possibility to jump directly by a link, link addition or a parameter to a filtered view inside the iframe? If I open the personio career site directly via <https://meinaccount.jobs.personio.de/> and click a filter, then a parameter like ?filters=eyJlbXBsb3ltZW50X3R5cGUiOlsidHJhaW5lZSJdfQ== is added. Can I send something like this into the iframe by javascript or something similar to filter the jobs?

How to connect SAP to Personio

We are planning to export the HR data from Personio to SAP. How do we connect SAP to Personio? Which domain and IP do we have to register in our firewall?