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The token has been blacklisted

Hi there, i got a problem with my created token. The first request works fine. If i send the second request, i got the following response: Response: {"success":false,"error":{"message":"The token has been blacklisted","code":401}} Requested URL: https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees?limit=200&offset=0 Software Environment: PHP Have anyone a solution to fix this problem? Regards Steffen

Salary and work time schedule history

Personio models changes to salary and work time schedule over time, are there any plans to make it possible to retrieve this information via the api. We would like to be personio to be the source of truth for personell cost and to make this possible we would also need historic info not just the current salary.

Random 403/404 errors when using API through Proxy

Hello there, I'm having trouble with the documents endpoint of the Personio Recruiting API. I'm receiving random and unpredictable 403 and 404 errors; and occasionally it just works. I'm using an Nginx Reverse Proxy to hide the credentials from the general public. Other than that, the setup is pretty basic. The 403 error contains the following message: 'xyz' not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'Bearer xyz'.". But the header is set correctly. This is the configuration of the proxy: location /documents/upload { proxy_pass https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications/documents; proxy_set_header Authorization "Bearer xyz"; proxy_set_header X-Company-ID 123; proxy_hide_header Strict-Transport-Security; proxy_hide_header Referrer-Policy; proxy_hide_header Content-Security-Policy; } What could be the issue here? Are there general issues with the use of proxies and your API? Thanks in advance.

API Update employee email adress

hallo we are using the APi to update some Employee data using a powershell script . we can update custom attributes without issues. who can we post an update for employee Email address ? $uri = "https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees/$($user_id)" $body = '{"employee":{"email":"' + "$Email" + '"}}' Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $uri -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body i get a 200 as response but Email is not updated. any hints?

Dynamic properties in Employee object

Hello, We are working with your REST API right now and have noticed that you prefer to use dynamic properties there. While it might have some advantages, I see some disadvantages here. Dynamic properties might change, therefore they are dynamic. And since the Label of the dynamic properties seem to be dependent on the current language, I would guess that it might change, too. Do you have any suggestions how to ensure that fetching data from dynamic properties will also work in the future? For example, employee.Attributes.Dynamic_1538436.Value represents the birthdate, how can I ensure that Dynamic_1538436 will always stand for the birthdate? Many thanks!

Personio interface to SAP HCM?

Hello, are you planning to implement a SOAP interface to SAP HCM sometime in the future?

Zapier Integration

Hello everybody, did someone manage to create a Zapier Integration for the Personio API? Greetings, Michael

Personio and Ms365 integration.

I am trying to find a way to integrate Personio with Ms 365. Is there any way, when data of an employee is added in Personio, the data is automatically updated in ms 365? I want less manual work.

Change of a non-predefined employee-attribute

Hello! I want to change some attributes of an employee, but i is only possible for predefined attributes: I read out an employee (i show only "date_of_birth" (predefined attribute) and "personal number" (non-predefined attribute)): "dynamic_5042969": {"label":"Geburtstag","value":"1972-06-13T00:00:00+01:00","type":"date","universal_id":"date_of_birth"} "dynamic_5042971": {"label":"Personalnummer","value":"TestNr1234","type":"standard","universal_id":null} Then i update this employee: {"employee":{ "first_name":"Karli","last_name":"Berger", "custom_attributes":{"dynamic_5042971":"12345678"}, "custom_attributes":{"dynamic_5042969":"1971-06-13"} }} Result is "success", but only the "date of birth" is changed. Why the "personal nr" is not changed? Thank you, Michael

Personio API credentials do not work

Hi, I'm trying to make my C#-code work with the Personio API but fail already with getting the bearer token from the /auth-interface. I see that there is a little tryout-tool on <https://developer.personio.de/reference/post_auth> but I can't even manage to get it right here. What am I missing? The corresponding shell command looks like this: curl --request POST --url <https://api.personio.de/v1/auth> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'content-type: application/json' --data ' { "client_id": "copy-paste-starting-with-papi-...", "client_secret": "copy-paste-starting-with-papi-..." } ' The response to this very request is this: { "success": false, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "Wrong credentials" } } "Wrong credentials"?? Having a typo here is very unlikely, if you copy+paste the id and secret, right?