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Invalid multipart request body and/or headers supplied.

hello, Im sending a post request to 'https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications/documents' and im encoding the file to base64 but i getting the title error. thanks

Waiting Feedback Request Overview

Gibt es eine Möglichkeiten eine Übersicht sich anzeigen zu lassen, über ausstehende Feedback-Anfragen? Is there a way to display an overview of pending requested Feedback?

/company/attendances -- POST request not working - Given Data Invalid

### First Attempt ### - The demo python code is not working. - The Try it form ist not working: --> Response: {"success":false"error":{"code":0"message":"The given data was invalid.""errors":{"attendances":["Bitte geben Sie attendances ein, um fortzufahren." ]}}} ### Second Attempt ### Applied your JSON example structure using my credentials/ids in my code: { "attendances": [ { "employee": 12345, "date": "2018-09-05", "start_time": "08:00", "end_time": "11:00", "break": 15, "comment": "Some comment" }, { "employee": 12345, "date": "2018-09-06", "start_time": "09:00", "end_time": "18:00", "break": 30, "comment": "Another comment" } ] } --> Response:: {'success': False, 'error': {'code': 0, 'message': 'The given data was invalid.', 'errors': {'attendances': ['The attendances must be an array.']}}} By the way: employee is defined as string in your try-it field and python code, but unsigned integer below in the model description. What is right? What is the right way to send this POST request, please? Thanks in advance for a quick feedback

422 error /v1/company/documents

I'm using the following code: curl --location --request POST 'https://api.personio.de/v1/company/documents?employee_id=*myEmployeeID*&category_id=*myCategoryID*&title=test2' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer *myBearerToken*' \ --form 'file=@"/opt/PCDOCS/dochousetest/aufgaben/2022/08/24/1043_783.pdf"' I'm getting the following error response: {"success":false,"error":{"message":"The given data was invalid.","code":0,"error_data":{"file":["The file must be a file of type: pdf, docx, doc, jpg, zip, png, txt, jpeg, odt, xlsx, rtf, htm, xls, p7s, pptx, pages, rar, ppt, gif, tif, html, msg, eml, asc, tiff, wps, bmp, 7z, csv, ics, vcf, dotx, numbers, eps, gz, ods, otf, odp, odg, rtfd, txz, webarchive, xml, xps, md, fax, asice."]} What am I missing?

Retrieving holidays from API?

I have seen that this question was asked before, https://developer.personio.de/discuss/614c152c9abde6004d49b0bc Are there any updates? Thanks in advance!

Access Default Reports / Recruitment Information

Are there any plans to make default reports accessible via the API? We need to fetch recruitment data from personio and I cannot find a way to access it. Maybe I am overlooking something, things we already tried: - Recruiting API (only possible to post applicant information) - system reports (Info would be there althought data is not accessible through API) - custom report (not possible to create custom report with needed data) Thanks in advance!

API - historical weekly working hours and work schedule

Hi Personio, how can i read the weekly working hours and work schedule data with the personio api? We need this data für our processes.

encoding of Special Characters

Hello Personio Team. Im currently struggling with Encoding / Special Characters using the Patch API Endpoint with Powershell. Since every Patch API Call requires firstname / lastname (why though? shouldn't be Employee ID enough) i sometimes have to send special characters like ä ü é etc. what encoding does Personio expect. currently im Using the following code (which works fine as long as firstname and lastname do not use special characters) : $PatchingID = $user.id.value $firstname_required = $user.first_name.value $lastname_required = $user.last_name.value $PatchUri = "https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees/$($PatchingID)" $body = "{`"employee`":{`"custom_attributes`":{`"dynamic_5345254`":`"Onboarding Teams `& Co`"},`"first_name`":`"$firstname_required`",`"last_name`":`"$lastname_required`"}}" $request2 = invoke-Webrequest -Method 'Patch' -Uri $PatchUri -Header $header -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $body

SMTP authentication for Office 365 - to sent e-mails to candidates is not working anymore

We have a problem with sending emails from personio to candidates. I get the following error: Expected response code 250 but got code "451", with message "451 4.4.4 Temporary server error. Please try again later ATTR5 [VI1EUR02FT046.eop-EUR02.prod.protection.outlook.com] " We use one of our own emailadresses to receive emails from candidates and to sent emails to. We do receive the emails from candidates, but we can not sent the emails to our candidates. I had contact with my IT admin. They have done the following: My IT admin did change our hostsettings, portal and encryption for the SMTP settings. But we still get the response code. They informed me that the problem is within the software and has probably to do with the region code. They also informed me that they could get the settings right if the connection could be made through MS Graph or OAuth2. The SMTP connection will not work for Office 365 settings anymore. This is because of a change in de Office 365 policy (which they have informed about a couple of years ago). I would like to know if you're working on a solution. Or if you have a solution, so we can use Personio again.

How can i submit Files with special characters?

Hi, I am trying to upload a File with a special character using PowerShell and get: {"success":false,"error":{"code":"api.documents.error.validation.failed","message":"","details":{"file":[{"code":"api.documents.error.validation.file.extension","message":"We do not accept files of this type"}]}}} The code I use is something like this: $Form = @{ title =theFileName employee_id = 1234567 category_id = 123456 file = Get-Item C:\aFileWithÜ.pdf } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Method Post -Headers $header -ContentType 'multipart/form-data' -ResponseHeadersVariable response -Form $Form When i rename the file to a name without "Ü", it works. Is this intended?