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API to read custom recruiting attributes

Is there a way to retrieve the custom recruiting attributes in a machine readable format? i.e. something along the lines of: [{ "attribute": "custom_attribute_123456", "type": "text", "label": "How did you become aware of our company?" }]

Opciones de target sobre los links y elección de fuente en las descripciones de trabajo

Hola buenos días, os escribo con la intención que me solucionéis las siguientes dudas: -El problema surge cuando en nuestra implementación con iframe, dentro de cada oferta de trabajo , al hacer click para volver a la vista principal con todas las ofertas, abre otras pestaña en el navegador debido al atributo target:"_blank" que tiene el link. ¿Hay alguna manera de poder modificar el código fuente del iframe o cambiar el tipo de target del link? -La otra duda surge cuando realizamos la descripción del puesto de trabajo, nos ofrece unas tipografías y pese a que elijamos una visualicemos la web, no se ve el uso de esa fuente. ¿Es posible elegir nosotros una fuente externa para que vaya acorde a nuestra web? En caso de no ser posible, ¿A qué se debe que no visualicemos la fuente elegida? Muchas gracias, un saludo.

Retreving open position stopped working

Hello, We have integrated Personio system with our system. For that we are fetching the positions with the api as specified here https://developer.personio.de/reference/get_xml The code used to work for a long time, but few days ago (do not know the exact moment) suddenly stopped working. The url that we are using is "https://squeaker-net.jobs.personio.de/xml?language=de" Also by headers the following is provided: 'X-Company-ID: ' . self::COMPANYID, "Authorization: Bearer " . self::ACCESS_TOKEN But suddenly the http code 301 is returned by the Personio. Any idea what seems to be changed from personio side ? Is there any way I can contact Personio technical support to find out the problem ?

Application Document Upload Mimetype

Hej there, we're trying to upload some documents to the application api and always getting the problem, that the files inside the personio backend does'nt get a correct preview neither can be downloaded correctly. It seems that the mimetype of the uploaded files get lost, so it's always "text/plain". We're using PHP with guzzle to request the api and having a nearly similar code like the api documentation example: ``` <?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $response = $client->request('POST', 'https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications/documents', [ 'multipart' => [ [ 'name' => 'file', 'filename' => 'gitlab-icon-rgb.png', 'contents' => 'data:image/png;name=gitlab-icon-rgb.png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUg....', 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'image/png' ] ] ] 'headers' => [ 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer XXX', 'X-Company-ID' => 'XXX', ], ]); echo $response->getBody(); `` When sending this autogenerated code to the api, I'm getting the following result: ``` { "extension": "txt", "mimetype": "text/plain", "original_filename": "gitlab-icon-rgb.png", "uuid": "f198a250-c093-4d07-bbc0-8e9b0cbdf05f", "size": 21187 } ``` So the api is detecting a "text/plain" mimetype, but I was uploading a "image/png" mimetype. What is wrong with the request?

Does the API have a limit?

Hi, i was developing a pagination to get the absences and the employees and I noticed that the API returns all my entries (247) at once. Is there a limit in the API or do I automatically get all existing data on a GET request? How does the offset work here?

Is it possible to get the absences structured day by day?

When requesting absences, the api returns this information: - from date - to date - days_count We would like to build an interface to our time recording system and therefore we need the data on a daily basis, if possible, combined with the regular working hours for each day. Is something like this planned in the v2?


Hallo, wir möchten gerne die Mitarbeiterfluktuation nach der Schlüter Formel ermitteln. Ist geplant, dass Personio so etwas als Standardbericht anbietet. Welche Formel nutzt Personio derzeit für den Bericht "monatliche Fluktuation"?

Is it possible to pull Personio Employee IDs via Google API Connector

Hi Everyone, I guess I am trying to get some simple data from Personio by using Google API connector. I would like to pull NAME, LASTNAME and EMPLOYEE ID data from Personio using Google API connector. But I am not able to solve it. Since I do not understand and find a solution how to connect Personio via API credentials with Google API Connector. If you can somehow help, highly appreciated. Best regard MY

Too Many Requests for url

Hi, Since tonight, I have been receiving the following error message during authentication: 429 Client Error: Too Many Requests for url: https://api.personio.de/v1/auth?client_id=XXX&client_secret=XXX We have been using the API for more than a month and have not yet had any problems with authentication. Moreover, I am not aware that anything has been changed on our site. Strangely enough, authentication works on the page "https://developer.personio.de/reference/post_auth-1". Best, Fabio

Missing subcompany attributes in XML

Hi, We have several subcompanies in our account and retrieve the job advertisements via XML API. Filtering was done according to the 'subcompany' attribute in the XML. However, this is no longer present. Is it possible to restore it? Thanks