Actual weekly/monthly hours
I would like to display the weekly or monthly hours of each department on a dashboard (Basically the sum of the "Current Goal" for each individual employee). Is there any way to access the current goal via API? If not, is there another way to access the actual hours (contracted hours minus sickness, vacation etc.) per employee or per department via API?
Personio Workschedule Changes - Employee Schedule should be ARRAY
Hi there, the Employee work_schedule object should be an array.
Application Comments
Problem with birthday notifications
Hi there,
Send a file. What is an UUID?
How can I query the reports. I always get the error message:
Accessing the translation of job metadata?
I have a follow up question to this thread: https://developer.personio.de/discuss/64998bdcc408960e7f56e6ed
Pulling a new open position from Zapier
Hi team,
Slow Response Times
Hey, I've noticed that the response times are very slow, for example in the employees endpoint, it takes upwards of 10 seconds to get 50 records, and even 25 records it takes more than 6 seconds.
Creating applications in Personio and send File
Hey I try to Send a File in PHP with CURL and I do not really get how to do it.