post_company-attendances a limit ?
Hi, has the API post_company-attendances a limit, we post every 15 minutes in batch time bookings over the API, but it seems max. 10 always arrive at Personio?
Or is there a timeout if necessary?
ZEITERFSSSUNG API ERROR Start time has to be smaller than end time
Hallo alle,
Ich versuche mit dem API Endpunkt
Recruiting API not working properly
Adjusting working time model via API
Is it possible to adjust the working time model for certain employees via API? We would like to adjust the working days for employees so that vacation requests can calculate the correct number of vacation days used.
Invalid multipart request body and/or headers supplied.
hello, Im sending a post request to 'https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications/documents' and im encoding the file to base64 but i getting the title error.
CORS error in https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications
Hello, I'm trying to make a post request to the endpoint https://api.personio.de/v1/recruiting/applications but I always get CORS error, is there something I should take into account??
I want to access a task list and mark a specific task as completed via the API
We want to create a complementing boarding process in our workflow software. Our HR will create a task "IT OnBoarding Process". I want to load new where this task is open and after the process has completed I want to mark the task as completed in Personio.
time-offs half days
Get deleted Attendances
we're fetching attendances from personio as delta-sync using the "updated_from" query parameter.
Personio API Access