Placeholder for Custom Attribute
Good afternoon,
Is there a chance to get overtimes for employees using API/v1?
I did not find any call that get the current (overall) overtimes for Employees. Did i miss something?
Attendance API add Project
How can we set a project for an api created attendance? If not possible, when will this be added?
Sandbox for API tests
API - Absences days / Permission
Hey together,
Implicit filtering in GET /company/employees API?
Idea: Call user defined URL after change Information
The idea is to call a user defined url if any relevant information is changed. This can be very helpful to synchronise the information between personio and another system.
Info about deleted Absences
I'm using the API-Interface to synchronise the Absences with our mainly used timescedule system. Import the created absences is no problem, but if a employee delets a absence i can't figure out wich day was deleted. i need to analyse all existing entrys. This is not usefull and with a look on a longlife system not to handle.
The data is invalid
I'm submitting the recruiting form to https://api.personio.de/recruiting/applicant and getting this response {"success":false,"error":{"code":0,"message":"The given data was invalid.","errors":{"custom_863":["Parameter custom_attribute_custom_863 existiert nicht"]}}} please guide
How can I gather information about deleted time-offs?
Hi there,