Custom attribute error, but attribute exists
Since yesterday, I am getting the following error, previously it was working and we did not changed anyting:
As I can see from the documentation, this means that the attribute custom_attribute_209068 does not exists in the system. But we checked and the attribute exists.
Does someone know that else can be the problem ?
Posted by Darko about 19 hours ago
https://api.personio.de/v2/persons and global_id in custom_attributes
When I'm using the v2 of the persons endpoint, the example says that in the field `global_id` the name will be shown. Like:
"id": "dynamic_306",
"type": "string",
"value": "DExx-xxff-ss-os02",
"global_id": "IBAN"
But what I get is
"global_id": "11391998",
"id": "dynamic_6616469756aa56.01247989",
"type": "string",
"value": "232200"
So it's not what the documentation says. Seems that I have to do another API Call to a v1 endpoint to lookup `global_id`- so what is correct? And how to get the speaking name for `global_id`
Posted by Patrick Schläpfer 2 days ago
Relation between Person and Employment
I am retriving the perons by using API - `https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees`. Each entry of the response list contains `employments: [{ id: string }]\` but, employment id seems like unique per person and I found only one employment id per person. Is the relation between Person and Employee one to one and unique? Can I get more information on this relation?
Posted by Jignasa Sutariya 7 days ago
How to get the value of person attribute - hire_date?
I am trying to import the person and it's employment data from Personio. Hire date is one of the reset attributes and also selected for `Readable employee attributes`. I set the value for the person with id - 23808419 but, still not received within person's data from API - <https://api.personio.de/v2/persons>.
I also checked for the attribute id in API response - <https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees/custom-attributes>. As per that, the attribute id is `hire_date` but, still there is no custom_attributes with `hire_date` as global_id or id.
How can I get the value of `hire_date`?
Posted by Jignasa Sutariya 8 days ago
Batch requests on employments
Hi Team,
Is there a way to make batch requests on employments instead of individually by person_id?
Alternatively, would it be possible to increase the rate limit? We would like to have the data stored in employments for all employees but with the current setup it's having to sleep after about every 6 employees. This increases the processing time quite a bit.
Posted by K 9 days ago
Custom Attribute API
I have created a new custom field, I'm trying to get through the API /company/employees/attributes or company/employees/custom-attributes, both endpoints require Partner ID & APP-ID with token.
How to get X-Personio-Partner-ID & X-Personio-App-ID?
Posted by Nilesh 14 days ago
List compensation endpoint
Hi team,
we currently experience limitations with the List compensations endpoint. The fact that it returns only the compensations by months makes it very difficult to identify if compensations have been deleted (or set to 0, which has the same effect of not being returned anymore).
Do you have any plans to provide a List compensation endpoint which is not restricted by this monthly view? Either fetch by employee/person or all compensations would be helpful.
Thanks in advance!
Posted by Kevin 15 days ago
Open position Webhook
Hey everyone,
<br />
we use the open-position XML to fetch all open positions for one of our customer. Is there any webhook available to get notified on changes?
Posted by Dominic 15 days ago
Employee ID: Documentation available / several questions
is there any documentation for the employee ID available?
I have several questions around this ID:
- Minimum + Maximum Number (Number Ranger)
- Numerical or alphanumercial
- Is this number ongoing (or another logic)
- Unique? (I assume)
Posted by Simon Ö. 18 days ago
links.next can only retrieve one next cursor parameter
I'm having a case where I'm trying to retrieve all the persons from the api. When I call the V2 endpoint `https://api.personio.de/v2/persons` I get the persons, and the \_meta link to the next page:
"_meta": {
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://api.personio.de/v2/persons"
"next": {
"href": "https://api.personio.de/v2/persons?cursor=cur_b2Zm..."
Now when I call the endpoint with the cursor parameter given in `_meta.next.href` like `https://api.personio.de/v2/persons?cursor=cur_b2Zm...`, I only get the next page with links pointing to the same page like:
```json json
"_meta": {
"links": {
"self": {
"href": "https://api.personio.de/v2/persons?cursor=cur_b2Zm...
"next": {
"href": "https://api.personio.de/v2/persons?cursor=cur_b2Zm..."
Now of course since the next link is the same as the self link, I'm only getting the same 10 responses, and I can't get anymore persons from the api, so the max I could retrieve is 20 persons.
I tried increasing the `limit` parameter to `limit=50` but the same issue happens here also, and I get stuck on the second page, so I can only get max 100 results from the api. So the issue is not that we would have only 20 or 100 persons in the records.
Now the api docs say that: _...your subsequent call has to include the cursor in order to retrieve the next list of resources. If cursor is missing, the first page is returned._
I'm doing that exactly, so providing the cursor in the call but the next 3rd list of persons seems to never be returned on the 2nd call. This issue is happening regardless of the client that I call the endpoint with.
Is it me or the api here that is having challenges?
Best regards,
Posted by Tarmo 21 days ago