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Same authentication token for v1 & v2 APIs

I want to use the latest Personio APIs but, some modules are still closed Alpha. So, I'm planning to use the APIs from both of the versions to meet the requirement. Would it possible to use the same access token to access the APIs from v1 and v2 as the requesting credentials for both of them?

absence-periods 'Filter by absence periods that start at or before given date.' is wrong.

Good evening, We are creating an interface with Personio to retrieve absence requests. This information will be forwarded to another application. Every hour we do retrieve the absence requests and only process the requests that are not yet send to the other application. We are using the absence-periods API for this and want to retrieve absence request between a particular start and end date. <https://api.personio.de/v1/company/absence-periods?start_date=2024-05-05&end_date=2025-06-04&limit=200&offset=0> We were surprised to see objects with a start date 2024-04-22 in the results. So, we did read the documentation again and we can't query the start and end date because of something strange. The start_date is: 'Filter by absence periods that start at or before given date.'. This makes the field impossible to query. The fields should be: Start_date is: 'Filter by absence periods that start at or after given date.' End date: "Filter by absence periods that start at or before given date." Is this a bug or do we see this the wrong way?

DocuWare Integration

Hi Community, Is there any way to integrate Docuware with Personio via API? Docuware is sadly nowhere to be found on the marketplace and the only integration possibility I see is using Make as 3rd party

Rate Limit Monitor

Hi, is it possible to monitor the rate limit for certain endpoints? We are getting an irregular request error from calling: <https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees> and we would like to know if a rate limit is the cause.

List Employees with updated_since not working correct!?

example: ?updated_since=2024-05-27T00:00:01 will yield 8 employees If I get all employees and set the filter in my List<Employee> to LastModifiedAt = 2024-05-27, I get 27 employees! by the way, the first employee was changed at 09:46:17 How really works updated_since? Is my path usually correct? Is it a Bug?

Profile Pictures API not available

{ "success": false, "error": { "message": "personio.core.api.exceptions.api.not.found.http.exception", "code": 0 } }

Custom Reports: Set timeframe attribute when calling the ReportData API

Hi Team, i have created a custom report which I want to consume via API, but I would like to change the start_date and end_date in my GET Request. Is this possible? I tried with parameters, but was not successful

Per-employee token

Hi, is it possible to request a per-employee bearer token? This would use the client id and secret as well as the employee credentials (or SSO) to retrieve a token that would be scoped to that employee _only_. Thanks!

API access to custom attributes with restricted access

Hello, we use Personio API to access employee custom attributes. There are some custom attributes located within a dedicated Personio data area with limited access rights, e.g. "special cost center". Unfortunately we are not able to access these attributes within API employee calls („List Allowed Custom Attributes“, „List Allowed Attributes“). What should be done to make ALL custom employee attributes available for API access? Thank you!

API reference for Performance Cycle

Hi there, <br /> Our organization have a wish to be able to export "Cycles" into a sheet in order for us to gather peer-review in mass. I don't work in HR, and I mainly care about the tech - however I can't find any documentation on it. <br /> Currently we would export it as a PDF, but this would require mass-gathering of over 300 individual reviews, not including self reviews. <br /> So, my question is: is there a way to create a webhook that would gather all the data from each person's individual reviews in a sheet? The most important thing is mass exportation of sorts, and I think a webhook or export function is the best option here. <br /> best Rasmus