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Mobile View

Hi, I noticed that our company banner is cut off when you access our personio recruitment page via mobile. The banner on the mobile view is not replicating the website view. Could you please advise me as how to fix this issue?

create attendances - [400] Error when trying to insert Attendances periods rows

Hi, i dont unerstand why I am getting this error: [400] Error when trying to insert Attendances periods rows for the following Body: { "attendances": [ { "employee": 5543679, "date": "2024-02-26", "start_time": "15:00", "end_time": "15:15", "break": 5, "project_id": 5, "comment": "Test" }, { "employee": 5543679, "date": "2024-02-26", "start_time": "16:00", "end_time": "16:33", "break": 5, "project_id": 5, "comment": "Test" } ] } Anyone an idea?

Get form fields via API?

Hi, is there any way to create a form in the Personio and then get that form fields via API and display them in my own website? I can see that I can get the job positions via XML but there is no info about form fields. I would like to create a flow 1. get position form fields 2. map them and display on my website 3. fill the form and create application on that job offer Is that possible or will it be?

Oauth Authorization Code

Hello Personio-Team, I'm looking into creating a 3rd party tool which integrates with Personio. I would like to use OAuth to authenticate and receive an access token that only allows access to only the authenticated user's data. Is this currently possible with your API? The documentation for the v2 API indicates that it's not (only client_credentials grant type is implemented). Best regards

Issue with Fetching More Than 200 Results from the Time-Offs API Endpoint

I'm encountering a problem with the /company/time-offs API endpoint. While I can paginate through the /company/attendances endpoint successfully and retrieve all records by increasing the offset, the same approach for the /company/time-offs endpoint only yields the first 200 results. Subsequent requests with an increased offset return no additional data. Could you please tell me if there is a proper pagination for the time-offs endpoint or confirm if there's a limit on the number of records that can be fetched? Thank you!

Retrieve "Nivel" field via API

Hi, We need to retrieve "Nivel" field via API. I saw it at the employees detail pages like <https://cabify.personio.de/staff/details/11107932> But the data isn't comes on the response of <https://api.personio.de/v1/company/employees> like normal or dynamic field. Where can I retrieve this value via API? Thanks in advance. Eduardo Gordillo Cabify Backend Engineer

how to generate new Bearer token in personio

i need some help on personio token generation

Transfer available vacation days, including planned vacation days

Is there a way to transfer the available balance of an employee's vacation days, including planned vacation days?

Filter job ads in advance

Hi, there are two different divisions in our company and each division has its own website. We would now like to display the job advertisements on the respective page filtered according to the corresponding division. How can we do this with Personio?

Employee endpoint paging with updated_since and attributes - bug?

Hi, I'm using the updated_since and attributes\[] query parameters to get employees. Per documentation: "NOTE: when using the updated_since filter, the email, limit, and offset parameters are ignored." I do not find this to be the case: When I pass limit and offset, they are not ignored. Paging works as expected. Also the maximum number of results is 200 (default limit) if no limit is set. For testing I'm using a small limit and once the number of total elements changed (decreased!) between the three different pages! (same parameter in updated_since) 2024-02-20 10:22:14,046 - - DEBUG - Starting to get all employees updated since 2024-02-18T10:22:13 with limit 10 2024-02-20 10:22:54,636 - - DEBUG - Processed page 1/3, total elements: 30 2024-02-20 10:23:14,913 - - DEBUG - Processed page 2/3, total elements: 28 2024-02-20 10:23:26,185 - - DEBUG - Processed page 3/3, total elements: 27 2024-02-20 10:23:55,326 - - INFO - Received 27 relevant employees from a total of 27 returned updated since 2024-02-18T10:22:13. This effect occurred for a time, now the results seem stable. Initial number of total elements I got was 50 at about 10.16:03. Now the number of total elements seems stable at 22. As I pass the exact date and time as since the number should only go up, never down. Can you please check? Thanks and regards, Simone