
Employee API: renamed the /custom-attributes endpoint with backward compatibility

The endpoint GET v1/employees/custom-attributes was originally created to support custom attributes only.
It evolved to more than that and now also returns information about regular attributes. To ensure correct naming we are renaming it to GET v1/employees/attributes.
Both endpoints will remain available to ensure compatibility.


Employees API: Universal ID is now exposed

The employee object now has the Universal ID (UID) exposed.


Attendances API: added optional "skip_approval" parameter

Attendances periods created via the POST /company/attendances, the updates via PATCH company/attendances and deletions via DELETE company/attendances endpoints used to skip the approval process by default, so there was no way to create attendances requests using the public API.


Employee API: added email filter

We just added an email query parameter to the /company/employees endpoint, which allows you to find an employee with their given email address. The response is still a list, containing only the filtered employee.


Absence API: absence type configuration

In Personio, absence types are very customizable. For example, for a given absence type you can specify whether Half days, Substitutes, Absence certificates or similar options are required or possible. (Find more info here)


Employee API: absence balance endpoint

You can now retrieve the current balance per absence type for a given employee by calling the /company/employees/{employee_id}/absences/balance endpoint.


Employee API: custom attribute types

The response of the GET /company/employees /company/employees/{employee_id} and /company/employees/custom-attributes endpoints now returns the attribute type for custom attributes.


Employee API: pagination

Added pagination to the GET employees endpoint to make fetching larger sets of employee data easier. This is not a breaking change – all requests that don't contain the offset and limit parameter will still pull all of employees.


Attendance API: added "status" attribute and enabled filtering by "includePending"

  • We just added the attribute "status", which indicates the status of an Attendance Period (“approved”, “pending”).
  • You're now also able to get the results using the parameters "includePending”, which returns Attendance Periods with both “pending” and “approved” status. Find more information in the​​ API reference​.

Attendance API: added "updated_at" attribute and enabled filtering by "updated_at"

Synchronising attendance periods with Personio just became a whole lot easier!