Guidelines on when not to update Personio
This page provides clarity on specific scenarios where updates to Personio are not required.
Some actions related to the Shift Management applications are specific to the system and these are not required to be sent back into Personio.
Following are some of the scenarios where data does not need to be sent back to Personio:
For Shift Managers:
- Shift Management: When a shift is created, updated, or deleted within the Shift Management application.
- Shift Assignments: When a shift worker is assigned to a shift.
- Assignment Approvals: When an assignment is approved.
- Exception Handling: When an exception is registered, approved, or resolved.
For Shift Workers:
- Shift Preferences: When shift time preferences are set.
- Shift Viewing: When available or assigned shifts are viewed.
- Shift Responses: When shifts are accepted, acknowledged, or declined.
- Shift Change Requests: When requests for shift changes are made.
- Open Shift Claims: When open shifts are claimed.
- Notifications: When notifications are sent to shift workers.
These guidelines ensure that only essential data flows between your Shift Management application and Personio, maintaining system efficiency and data integrity.
Updated 7 months ago